Samantha Clayton, AFAA, ISSA – Vice President, Worldwide Sports Performance and Fitness | Herbalife Nutrition


Regular exercise—anywhere, anytime—can do wonders for your physical and mental health. Taking your routine outside adds an additional wellness boost from spending time in nature. Combine that outdoor workout with the social support of a partner or group and you have a triple the good health benefits.

In fact, a study published in the Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology evaluated participants who performed a series of planks both alone and in a group. The people working in a group increased their plank time by 24 percent!

With those types of results in mind, here are 3 activities you can do with a group or partner:


1. Outdoor bootcamp

Bootcamp is an intense one-hour, total-body workout that combines strength training and intense cardio, with very little rest in between sets.

Bootcamp classes vary depending on the instructor and facility. You may use kettlebells, tires, sandbags, sleds, weights and/or your own bodyweight. The group environment builds camaraderie and provides needed support: if you feel like lying on the ground, someone will encourage you to keep moving.


2. ABC training

Short for Athletic Body Conditioning, ABC combines body weight training, weight lifting, and choreographed movements using a single step and other simple equipment. It’s high-energy and highly stylized, with workouts that rely heavily on music of momentum, rhythm, and results. It emphasizes the importance of stretching, developing muscle, building a strong and stable core, and improving coordination. Perhaps most important of all, ABC training is fun, well rounded, and effective!


3. Join a group run

Have you ever passed groups of runners on your way to the gym? Why not join them? You’ll meet new people, explore new routes and have more fun than you would staring at the TV on the treadmill.

The influence of a group can prompt you to push the pace or run a hilly route you might otherwise avoid. Worried about getting left behind? Don’t be. Many clubs have a “no drop” policy, which means the route has designated regroup spots or leaders who make sure every runner has company.