5 Ways to Improve Heart Health and Nitric Oxide Production

Lou Ignarro

Lou IgnarroPh.D. – Member, Herbalife Nutrition Advisory Board

Not too many people know about nitric oxide and how it promotes cardiovascular health. But our body’s production of nitric oxide – commonly known as N.O. – actually plays a crucial role: keeping our blood vessels flexible to increase blood flow.

What Is Nitric Oxide?

It’s been called a “miracle molecule,” yet few know what it is, what it does, or why it’s important. As someone who’s dedicated his career to studying this very topic, let me run through the basics.

Nitric oxide is what’s called a biological regulator. Cells in our arteries and veins produce them to help our 50 trillion cells communicate with each other.

These biological regulators protect our cardiovascular system against damage and aging. Their purpose is to maintain the health of our heart and blood vessels, and they mainly do so by maintaining arterial elasticity.

Why Nitric Oxide Matters for Heart Health

Arterial elasticity supports normal vasodilation, which improves the blood flow to all organs. Nitric oxide production supports healthy blood pressure levels already within a normal range and blood vessel elasticity.**

The amount of nitric oxide in the body begins to decrease as we get older. Therefore, it becomes necessary to boost its production.

So how can you increase and sustain nitric oxide in your system?

Tips to Support Heart Health

5 Ways To Boost and Sustain Nitric Oxide

Here are few pointers and ideas to achieve and optimal nitric oxide levels:

1. Eat high-quality protein

Protein contains amino acids that promote the production of nitric oxide. Consider soy protein, since soy contains all 9 essential amino acids, and soy foods have low or no saturated fats.

2. Consume Vegetables High in Nitrates

Celery, lettuce, beetroot, spinach, and arugula have high levels of nitrates. When consumed, nitrates are converted into nitric oxide.

3. Take in Unsaturated Omega 3 Fatty Acids

You can find them in fresh fish of many kinds. They support vascular health by reducing inflammation throughout the body. Inflammation can affect blood vessels and lead to heart disease and strokes.

4. Use Nitric Oxide Supplements

The body’s N.O. levels are lowest at night; that’s why nitric oxide supplements are best taken at night or before bedtime. These supplements don’t contain nitric oxide itself, but the ingredients help form nitric oxide in your body.

Two of the most commonly used ingredients are amino acids such as L-arginine and L-citrulline.

L-arginine and L-citrulline support nitric oxide production and blood flow for the healthy function of the brain, heart and other organs. They also help keep blood vessels toned and flexible for healthy vascular function.**

Vitamins C and E, as well as alpha lipoic acid, also help to boost nitric oxide production.

5. Exercise Regularly

Your production of nitric oxide increases dramatically as you engage in physical exercise at any level, whether it is walking, running, cycling, swimming, or just climbing stairs.

Here’s the bottom line: nitric oxide is a vital molecule in your body and essential to your cardiovascular health. It is a component everyone needs, regardless of age or gender. So, build a healthy lifestyle that provides enough nitric oxide to help support a long, happy, heart-healthy life.

*The Nobel Foundation has no affiliation with Herbalife and does not review, approve or endorse Herbalife Nutrition products.
**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Lou Ignarro

Lou IgnarroPh.D. – Member, Herbalife Nutrition Advisory Board

Dr. Louis Ignarro is a science consultant and member of the Nutrition Advisory Board. He is a Nobel* laureate in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of nitric oxide’s benefits in the body. His findings inspired the development of Niteworks. Dr. Ignarro graduated with a B.S. in chemistry and pharmacy from Columbia University, then went on to earn his Ph.D. in pharmacology from the University of Minnesota. He completed his postdoctoral fellowship in chemical pharmacology at the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Ignarro enjoys running and cycling, and his favorite Herbalife Nutrition products include Niteworks and Herbalifeline.