10 Tips to Stay in Shape and Avoid Weight Gain at College

Samantha Clayton

Samantha ClaytonOLY, ISSA-CPT – Vice President, Sports Performance and Fitness Education

Starting college is one of the most exciting experiences: the independence, new friends and knowledge one comes in touch with are unmatched. However, it also means facing a host of adjustments to new schedules and routines, which can take a toll on students’ health and weight.

While research shows the average weight gain during that first year away from home isn’t typically the “freshman fifteen” but more in the range of 2 to 9 pounds, it is still important for students to find ways to be active, reduce stress and maintain a healthy eating plan.

How to Stay Fit, Active and Healthy in College

Whether it’s in the dorm or in between classes, here are some tips to help you squeeze in daily activity and eat well:

1. Walk to class.

Walking can help you burn calories, improve muscle tone and reduce stress. Using a simple pedometer that clips to your waistband is a great way to monitor your daily walking activity. A healthy goal to try and reach is 10,000 steps per day.

2. Climb stairs on campus.

Climbing stairs is great for improving your cardiovascular fitness level. Plus, it works all of the muscles in the back of the legs and butt. If you can’t find a good set of stairs to climb, do step-ups instead. Aim to do the equivalent of 50 stairs per day.

3. Find a fitness deal.

Many colleges have recreational sports leagues and offer discounted gym memberships or fitness classes. Also, look online for a program that allows you to try a variety of local fitness classes at a discounted price.

4. Learn a few moves.

Perform bodyweight resistance exercises, such as simple squats, lunges and push-ups in your dorm or wherever you live. When you’re ready, you can progress to using weights. If you know how to do the basics, any time you have just a few minutes to spare you can maximize your time by getting stronger with simple exercises.

Try this simple no-equipment upper body strength workout to get started:

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